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10 Valentine's Day Gifts Under $10

Grocery stores tantalize with crimson hearts filled with confections. When you add flowers and dinner, Valentine's Day can be hard on the wallet. Here's a solution: 10 gift ideas that will put a smile on your Sweetheart's face without breaking the bank.

1. Surprise your handyman or lady with a toolbox or flower pot filled with pink and red M&M's.
2. Write 52 things you love about your Valentine on slips of paper. Stash these in a mason jar. Each week your honey will have a sweet thought to jump start his/her week.
3. Do your little ones need a Valentine? Make them some pink play dough. Countless easy recipes can be found online.
4. Bake heart shaped sugar cookies.
5. Single and ready to mingle? Read 50 Shades of Gray and see where the night takes you.
6. Give a symbol of your growing love, a house plant. Flowers die but a plant might live for years. Every time your sweetheart looks at it, he/she will be reminded of your thoughtfulness.
7. Make a gift basket with items purchased at the dollar store. Fill a basket with wine glasses, sparkling cider, cheese, crackers and chocolate. Bring a blanket and present the basket at the beach or a park for a romantic snack.
8. Does your recipient spend every extra penny on others? I'm confident that even a $5 gift card to Starbucks or a $10 movie theatre gift card would be greatly appreciated by this giver type.
9. If you are married or in a long term relationship, reading Gary Chapman's 5 Love Languages could be a real game changer. He reveals that every person has their own love language.His book can be purchased on Amazon for under 10 bucks.
10. If you have a fireplace, why not start a fire and roast some marshmallows. Get a chocolate bar, graham crackers and have a summer treat on a winter's day.
Hopefully these ideas have sparked your gift giving creativity. Let this February 14th bring you joy and love regardless of what you give and receive. Valentine's Day is just another opportunity to show those we love how much we care about them.


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