Felicity originally aired in 1998, eighteen years ago. I watched it then and loved it. And recently I discovered all four seasons were on Hulu, so I started watching it again. It may surprise some to know it was created in part by J.J. Abrams, known for Lost, Star Wars, Star Trek and Alias. Felicity is a girl whose just beginning college in New York after following (stalking) a boy there. It's hard to blame her, Ben is nineties eye candy for sure. Those piercing hazel eyes, brilliant smile and floppy dishwater blond hair would drive anyone across country to be in his proximity. Not really, in real life, I'm proud to say I didn't follow any hot boy from high school to college. But then she befriends Noel, the geeky/hot RA on her floor. And he's no slouch with his soulful brown eyes, dimples and floppy brown hair. Each year follows Felicity as she cycles back and forth between these two guys and makes her way from freshman to senior. And then there's the tim...