Yesterday I just participated in #pit2pub, a Twitter pitch fest where publishers hop on and favorite book pitches that they'd like to see. This is my third time pitching via Twitter and it's kind of fun and nerve wracking. I was thrilled to get some favorites and submitted a to a few more publishers. Now the wait begins again.
In addition to connecting with publishers and agents, the Twitter contests seem to be a good way to connect with other writers.
I found out about these contests through Heather Ayris Burnell's Facebook Group, Sub it Club. It's been an amazing resource. She recently wrote an article about platform building for writers. It was helpful to me as I'm learning how to do this while submitting my manuscript.
Here's the link to her article: The Push and Pull of Platform by Heather Ayris Burnell
In addition to connecting with publishers and agents, the Twitter contests seem to be a good way to connect with other writers.
I found out about these contests through Heather Ayris Burnell's Facebook Group, Sub it Club. It's been an amazing resource. She recently wrote an article about platform building for writers. It was helpful to me as I'm learning how to do this while submitting my manuscript.
Here's the link to her article: The Push and Pull of Platform by Heather Ayris Burnell
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