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His Confession by Sophia Valentine (New Release)

HIS CONFESSION by S. Valentine
The Black Door Trilogy, #1
GENRE: Erotic Romance
PUBLISHER: Limitless Publishing
When Gabriella Woods finds matches from a gentlemen’s club in her fiancé’s pocket, her suspicions require a search for answers.

At the club, she realizes it’s not her fiancé's fidelity that can’t be trusted...

It’s her own.

Darion Milano is daring, intriguing, and unpredictable…

Unable to get him out of her head—and against Darion’s explicit warning—
Gabi begins a torrid affair. No longer fighting the urge to enter the depth of his dark and mysterious lifestyle, she indulges in his most intimate desires.

They become the most exciting, wild, infatuated couple everybody knows.

Until his confession changes everything…

Her heart is telling her to stay.

Her instinct is telling her to run.

She can never match his outrageous ex-wife and become the fun, fearless woman he craves…
Or can she?

Discover a world of sex, secrets, and seduction.

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"His Confession was a surprisingly engaging read with believable characters who were easy to connect with.It dealt with subjects a little different to what I'm used to, but the author did a great job of pulling me into her world.” - Mia Hoddell, YA/NA author.

”His Confession pulled me through from the first paragraph! The enigmatic Darion practically leapt off the pages and I could picture his every move and facial expression clear as day in my head! This story is definitely one to add to your “want-to-read” list-especially if you love a captivating plot as well as scenes so hot that they fog up your glasses. I don’t want to say too much and spoil it for future readers but DARION and GABI put Christian and Ana to SHAME! Enough said. LOL.” - Kiarra M. Taylor, contemporary romance author of THE QUARTER CHANGE.

”I loved it and I'm excited to read more to find out what happens. Darion is a great guy who was hurt badly and doesn't know how to handle, which in steps Gabi. Love love love her! Hopefully she fights for him! When does the next book come out, as I'm dying to know what comes next! I also hope the girls get their own stories.” - Susan Flynn, Beta reader Writers club.

”S. Valentine does an exquisite job at creating a dynamic between two characters, both from different worlds, that goes beyond a physical attraction. His Confession is book one in The Black Door Trilogy. It is a fast paced story that is full of hotness and anticipation that heats you up from your head to your toes. Gabi, is tired of always playing it safe. Darion, has demons that he can no longer control. When these two get together, boundaries are pushed, control is tested and emotions run wild.” - AV. Scott, author of High Heels & New York.

"A brilliant book which leaves you wondering what happened in Darion's past that has left him so wary and so afraid to put himself and his heart out there not to mention to put his faith and trust in Gabi, the one woman whose managed to penetrate the walls he's built. I can't wait for book 2 and I'm hoping that Darion and Gabi can overcome the obstacles that stand in front of them, including Eva, Darion's ex wife.” - Rebecca Barber, author Nobody's Obligation.

Fancy WINNING an eBook of His Confession and book swag, consisting of: 4 bracelets, 6 key-ring, 1 notepad, 1 pen, postcard teasers, stickers and more? All you have to do is 'like' S.Valentine's Facebook page, and add her book cover as your Facebook profile image for the rest of the day :) Comment on the page when done!

S. Valentine grew up in England. Studying English language and literature, as well as law, she worked in a solicitors for many years before moving to Spain. She does however still visit the UK, which in a way, will always be home.

Returning to her lifelong passion of writing books, she’s also a weekly columnist for The Ibizan newspaper on: lifestyle and fashion. Her other interests include reading, shopping and a nice glass of wine. She’s a social media addict, and loves connecting with new people.

For more information, please visit: If you join her newsletter, you will be the first to receive sneak peeks of chapters, teasers, news, giveaway prizes and more!

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