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Author Interview: Savannah Blevins

The Girl with Hearts, a Contemporary Romance by Savannah Blevins releases today! She was kind enough to answer some questions about her writing process and inspirations.

What is your process for plotting out your novel?

I am a panster at heart. I usually start with a rough out line as simple as three main objects that I want to happen, and the characters figure out how we get there. My outline will change and update chapter by chapter, but usually it always ends the way I planned.

What is your greatest challenge as a writer?

Right now, my greatest challenge is finding time to write. I work full-time as a Speech Language Pathologist, and have two toddlers at home. I do a lot of early morning and late night writing while the kids are in bed.

Do you write in one genre or multiple genres? Why?

My first book series The Midtown Brotherhood is a New Adult Contemporary Romance, and the second The Witches of Sanctuary is a New Adult Fantasy. I grew up on Romance novels, and I think any story I write will always have a strong romantic element. I enjoy changing the pace. It helps to venture out and try something new. I haven’t been brave enough to try anything too off the beaten path yet.

What was your path to publication like?

I wrote a lot in college as a hobby. It’s what I did to distress after finals, and during those long summers that college kids take for granted. Writing a book and getting published was something I thought I would do later in life…after kids…when I retired. After all, I was a first generation college student. When my parents asked what I was going to major in “Writing” was not going to be an acceptable answer.

Even after I completed my first novel in graduate school, I put it away, and kept it just for myself. Then I was diagnosed with Cancer. I spent two years in and out of the hospital, and I quickly realized that tomorrow isn’t always promised to you. 

Luckily for me, I was given an excellent prognosis. Thankfully my amazing doctor caught it early, and I was able to stop putting my dream on hold. Soon after what my Oncologist told me “should” be my final surgery, I started working on my second novel The Girl with Hearts. That winter I finished it and started querying it in the spring. In July, I signed my three book deal with Limitless publishing and The Girl with Hearts releases November 3, 2015.

What advice do you have for someone who dreams of writing and having a book published?

Be patient. Take the time to learn the business, and hone your craft. Have a lot of people read your writing and not just your best friend next door. Invest in a professional freelance editor. One professional edit will teach you amazing things about your writing. Follow agents and editors on social media. They offer free amazing advice. Most importantly, don’t give up. Don’t put your dream on the back burner.

Author Bio:
Savannah was born in Hyden, Kentucky. She received her M.S in Speech Language Pathology from The University of Mississippi in 2009. She’s been writing since the early age of nine when she begged her parents for a type writer for Christmas.

She now lives in Corbin, Ky with her husband of eight years, John, and their two wonderful daughters, Delilah and Gracie.

When she isn’t working, or running after her kids, she spends her free time traveling the country with her husband. There is nothing better than a day of football in the grove, a late night of basketball at Rupp Arena or slapping the glass to celebrate another Washington Capitals goal.

She is a strong believer that with enough hard work and determination you can accomplish anything.

Blurb Excerpt:
Henrik Rylander doesn’t just participate in Manhattan’s dating scene—he owns the exclusive rights to it… As the newly-minted captain of the New York Rangers hockey team, Henrik’s coach wants him to clean up his reputation. But Henrik isn’t quite ready to give up charming panties off co-eds, so he decides to indulge in one last night of uninhibited freedom.

Buy The Girl with Hearts on Amazon
Connect with Savannah on social media:
Twitter: @vannajodee


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